New in 0.16.2


Event Listener

Service Events


Here is a typical CloudEvent example:

  "specversion" : "1.0",
  "id" : "018dcb5f-aaa8-7bd3-92bd-ac1f0d52b2dd",
  "source" : "pulsar://localhost:6650/infinitic/test9/services/HelloService",
  "type" : "infinitic.task.completed",
  "datacontenttype" : "application/json",
  "subject" : "018dcb5f-aa4f-7187-8a9d-d656c4e13a1b",
  "time" : "2024-02-21T11:14:20.968Z",
  "data" : {
    "result" : "Hello 0!",
    "retrySequence" : 0,
    "retryIndex" : 0,
    "serviceName" : "HelloService",
    "taskName" : "addEnthusiasm",
    "taskMeta" : { },
    "taskTags" : [ ],
    "workerName" : "standalone-13907-104",
    "infiniticVersion" : "0.17.1"

For all service events:

  • id serves as a unique identifier for the event.
  • subject denotes the task's ID.
  • time indicates the publishing time of the event.
  • type is prefixed with infinitic.task.*, where * corresponds to one of the following:
CloudEvent's type postfixTypeDescription
dispatchCommandA task execution is required
startedEventA worker has begun processing the task.
completedEventA worker has succesfuly processed the task
retryScheduledEventThe task has failed and is scheduled for retry per the retry policy.
failedEventThe task did not succeed within the allowed retries as defined by the retry policy.
delegationCompletedEventSuccessful completion of a delegated task by the worker.

The data field contains the data below, as well as type-specific information:

Field NameTypeDescription
retrySequenceIntIndex of the number of manual retries.
retryIndexIntIndex of the number of automatic retries.
serviceNameStringName of the service (provided by the @Name class annotation or the class's name if not specified).
taskNameStringName of the task (provided by the @Name method annotation or the method's name if not specified).
taskMetaMap<String, ByteArray>Metadata of the task.
taskTagsArray<String>Tags associated with the task.
infiniticVersionStringVersion of Infinitic used by the entity that published the event (e.g., ":0.17.1").

The source property describes the Pulsar cluster, tenant, and namespaces, as well as the service's name. However this property does not represent an actual Pulsar topic, as the events originate from multiple internal topics.
