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Delegated Task

Delegated task purpose

In certain situations, completing a task within the Service worker may not be feasible. For instance, when the task is overseen by a system external to Infinitic, and the worker cannot synchronously wait for its conclusion. In such cases, the Service worker delegates the task's completion, yet Infinitic still requires awareness of when the task is finished and the corresponding return value.

Delegated task definition

To signify to Infinitic that a task remains incomplete upon the method's return, simply include a @Delegated annotation in your task definition. For instance,

In the example above, the task myFirstTask is delegated. It is the responsibility of the implementation to initiate the task on the external system. It's important to note that the implementation still needs to return an object of the correct type, but you have the option to return null.

Delegated task completion

You can use an Infinitic client to signify to Infinitic that the delegated task is completed:


  • serviceName: the name of the service. Within the task execution in the Infinitic worker, you can retrieve it through the task's context;
  • taskId: the ID of the task. Within the task execution in the Infinitic worker, you can retrieve it through the task's context;
  • result: The outcome of the delegated task.

It's your responsability to provide a result with the right type defined in the Service interface. Failing to do so will result in an error being triggered when you attempt to utilize this result in your workflow, and your workflow instance will become stuck.

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