New in 0.16.2



Workflow Versioning

Changing the interface

Class name

As a workflow is internally named through its interface's class name (including package), we need to keep it stable. We can change it, as long as we use the @Name annotation to ensure that the internal name does not change. For example,

can be changed to:

We recommend always using a @Name annotation - with a simple name - for all workflows, to avoid keeping legacy names like here.

Method name

As a workflow is started through its interface's method name, we need to keep it stable. We can change also it, as long as we use the @Name annotation to ensure that the internal name does not change. For example,

can be changed to:

Method parameters

Parameters of the method used to start a workflow are serialized and stored in the workflow history. During its execution, the workflow will deserialize the parameters and apply them to the current method multiple times - that's why:

The signature of a workflow's method must not change.

And if the only parameter of a workflow's method is object type (which is recommended):

Any properties we add to this object type must have default values.

Method return value

If the return value is used in another workflow (as a result of a sub-workflow) - then the same constraint applies to the return value of a task:

The return type of a workflow can not change.

And if the return type is an object (which is recommended):

Any properties we add to the return type must have default values.

Changing the implementation

New workflows

The easiest way to update a workflow is to have the new instances use the latest version, while the current instances continue to run the version they were started with.

By convention:

  • a new implementation will be named with a postfix _n, where n is an integer
  • no postfix means version 0 For example:

Those multiple versions can be registered in workers, through the configuration file:

  - name: MyWorkflow
    concurrency: 10

or through direct registration:

A newly dispatched workflow will automatically use the highest version available in the Workflow worker - and will stick to this version up to its completion.

Workflow workers should know all versions of a workflow for which at least one instance is still running.

Running workflows

Changing the implementation of an already running workflow is not yet supported by Infinitic.
