New in 0.16.2


Event Listener

Workflow Events


Here is a typical CloudEvent example:

  "specversion" : "1.0",
  "id" : "018dcb5f-aab3-705b-b6a6-083581389dc8",
  "source" : "pulsar://localhost:6650/infinitic/test9/workflows/HelloWorkflow",
  "type" : "infinitic.workflow.taskCompleted",
  "datacontenttype" : "application/json",
  "subject" : "018dcb5f-a644-7a95-9375-ed68eb3082fb",
  "time" : "2024-02-21T11:14:20.964Z",
  "data" : {
    "taskCompleted" : {
      "result" : "Hello 0!",
      "taskId" : "018dcb5f-aa4e-7ce2-9e64-6ba78d282c1f",
      "taskName" : "addEnthusiasm",
      "serviceName" : "HelloService"
    "methodId" : "018dcb5f-a644-7a95-9375-ed68eb3082fb",
    "methodName" : "greet",
    "workflowName" : "HelloWorkflow",
    "workflowVersion" : 0,
    "workerName" : "standalone-13907-104",
    "infiniticVersion" : ":0.16.2"

For all workflow events:

  • id serves as a unique identifier for the event.
  • subject denotes the workflow's ID.
  • time indicates the publishing time of the event.
  • type is prefixed with infinitic.workflow.*, where * corresponds to one of the following:
CloudEvent's type postfixTypeDescription
dispatchCommandA new workflow has been scheduled.
dispatchMethodCommandA new method execution has been scheduled on an existing workflow.
cancelCommandThe cancellation of a workflow has been requested.
cancelMethodCommandThe cancellation of a workflow's method has been requested.
retryTaskCommandThe retry of some tasks has been requested.
retryExecutorCommandThe retry of the workflow executor has been requested.
signalCommandA signal has been sent to the workflow.
signalReceivedEventThe workflow has received a signal.
signalDiscardedEventThe workflow has discarded a signal that was unexpected.
signalDispatchedEventThe workflow has sent a signal to another workflow.
timerDispatchedEventThe workflow has dispatched a timer.
timerCompletedEventA timer, used by the workflow, has completed.
remoteMethodDispatchedEventThe workflow has dispatched another workflow's method.
remoteMethodCompletedEventAnother workflow's method, used by the workflow, has completed.
remoteMethodFailedEventAnother workflow's method, used by the workflow, has failed.
remoteMethodCanceledEventAnother workflow's method, used by the workflow, has been canceled.
remoteMethodTimedOutEventAnother workflow's method, used by the workflow, has timed out.
taskDispatchedEventThe workflow has dispatched a task.
taskCompletedEventA task, used by the workflow, has completed successfully.
taskFailedEventA task, used by the workflow, has failed.
taskTimedOutEventA task, used by the workflow, has timed out.

The source property describes the Pulsar cluster, tenant, and namespaces, as well as the workflow's name. However this property does not represent an actual Pulsar topic, as the events originate from multiple internal topics.

Service Events