Infinitic can run on Pulsar clusters managed by third parties. It has been tested on StreamNative, Datastax and CleverCloud. We recommend these services for users new to Pulsar.
Pulsar Installation And Setup
For Pulsar installation instructions, please refer to the official Apache Pulsar documentation.
Recommended Configuration
While Infinitic doesn't require specific Pulsar settings, we recommend the following namespace / topic configuration:
Parameter | Recommended Value | Description |
retentionTimeInMinutes | 10080 | (7 days) Ensures messages are kept for a week |
retentionSizeInMB | 1024 | (1GB) Limits the total size of retained messages |
messageTTLInSeconds | 1209600 or 31622400 | (14 days or 1 year) Sets message lifetime before expiration |
delayedDeliveryTickTimeMillis | 1000 | (1 second) Controls the frequency of checking for delayed messages |
Rationale for These Settings:
Retention Parameters: The retention time and size ensure that Pulsar doesn't delete messages before a worker has a chance to process them, even in cases of temporary worker downtime or backlog.
Message TTL:
- For standard topics: 14 days provides a generous window for message processing.
- For topics with delayed messages: 1 year allows for long-term scheduled tasks.
Delayed Delivery Tick Time: The 1-second interval balances responsiveness with CPU usage, particularly beneficial for scenarios involving large delays.
Infinitic workers automatically create the tenant, namespace and topics at launch if they don't exist, with the recommended configuration.
Multi-tenancy Support
Pulsar has native multi-tenancy capabilities, allowing for efficient resource isolation and management across different environments or teams within a single Pulsar cluster.
This multi-tenancy capabilities extend to Infinitic. For example:
Dedicate a tenant for Infinitic (e.g.,
)Use namespaces to separate environments (e.g., development, staging, production):
Connecting to a Pulsar cluster
Infinitic clients and workers need to know how to connect to our Pulsar cluster. This is done through a pulsar
entry within their configuration file.
Minimal configuration
The minimal configuration - typically needed for development - contains:
brokerServiceUrl: pulsar://localhost:6650
webServiceUrl: http://localhost:8080
tenant: infinitic
namespace: dev
Transport encryption
Transport Encryption using TLS can be configured with those additional parameters:
useTls: true
tlsAllowInsecureConnection: false
tlsTrustCertsFilePath: /path/to/ca.cert.pem
tlsEnableHostnameVerification: false
If we use a KeyStore, it can be configured with:
useKeyStoreTls: true
tlsTrustStoreType: JKS
tlsTrustStorePath: /var/private/tls/client.truststore.jks
tlsTrustStorePassword: clientpw
Using Json Web Token:
token: our_token
Using Athen:
tenantDomain: shopping
tenantService: some_app
providerDomain: pulsar
privateKey: file:///path/to/private.pem
keyId: v1
Using OAuth2
privateKey: file:///path/to/key/file.json
Using Infinitic With Third-Party Providers
Infinitic has been tested successfully with the following providers:
In your Clever-Cloud console, select "create... an add-on", then "Pulsar".
After your add-on is created, select the "Service dependencies" tab to get the information relevant to your Pulsar namespace:
Use the provided data to set up Infinitic access to Pulsar:
brokerServiceUrl: pulsar+ssl:// # Paste ADDON_PULSAR_BINARY_URL here
webServiceUrl: # Paste ADDON_PULSAR_HTTP_URL here
tenant: orga_f8786ef8-ac53-43ec-8c34-f81dab32b7cb # Paste ADDON_PULSAR_TENANT here
namespace: pulsar_f3f94e46-0a32-4430-a05f-f458abca7297 # Paste ADDON_PULSAR_NAMESPACE here
token: EnYKDBgDIggKBggE**********************EgIYDRIkCAASIDZ # Paste ADDON_PULSAR_TOKEN here
In your Datastax console , select the "Streaming" icon on the left navbar, and create a new tenant.
Select the "Connect" tab:
Click "Token Manager" to open the "Settings" tab, where you can create a new Token.
Configure Infinitic Pulsar as follows:
brokerServiceUrl: pulsar+ssl:// # See Tenant Details
webServiceUrl: # See Tenant Details
tenant: test-inf # See Tenant Details
namespace: dev # Your choice
token: eyJhbGciOiJS********************pIzmCvpI8t_g # Paste the token here
As of July 2024, you need to enable the "Auto Topic Creation" setting in the "Settings" tab of your namespace (see "Namespace and Topics"). If not enabled, the Infinitic worker will be unable to programmatically create the needed topics.
StreamNative's offering differs from other providers in that it offers to manage a full Apache Pulsar cluster for you, while other providers typically offer a tenant in a shared cluster.
In your StreamNative console, create an instance (multiple deployment options available).
After creation (which can take a few minutes), select your new instance and go to the "Details" tab. You will find the Access Points:
Click the "Connect To Cluster" link and follow the process. You can choose between two authentications methods:
a - Download the file and save it to a safe place (e.g. to
)b - Then your Infinitic pulsar configuration is:
pulsar: brokerServiceUrl: pulsar+ssl:// # See Cluster Details webServiceUrl: # See Cluster Details tenant: infinitic # Your choice namespace: dev # Your choice authentication: issuerUrl: privateKey: file:///YOUR-KEY-FILE-PATH # e.g file:///Users/gilles/.sn/infinitic-admin.json audience: urn:sn:pulsar:o-ye4kl:infinitic # See Cluster Details
a - Create an API key (choose the expiration date wisely), then copy it.
b - Configure Infinitic Pulsar as follows:
pulsar: brokerServiceUrl: pulsar+ssl:// # See Cluster Details webServiceUrl: # See Cluster Details tenant: infinitic # Your choice namespace: dev # Your choice authentication: token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzII*************MWt8BFgm2rK4aA # Paste the API key here
Pulsar Client Settings
Infinitic allows you to customize Pulsar producer and consumer settings to optimize performance for your specific use case. Below are the configuration options for both producers and consumers.
Producer Settings
You can provide default settings for all producers in the pulsar.producer
section of your configuration file. All settings are optional; Pulsar defaults will be used if not specified.
autoUpdatePartitions: # Boolean
autoUpdatePartitionsIntervalSeconds: # Double
batchingMaxBytes: # Int
batchingMaxMessages: # Int
batchingMaxPublishDelaySeconds: # Double
blockIfQueueFull: # Boolean (Infinitic default: true)
compressionType: # CompressionType
cryptoFailureAction: # ProducerCryptoFailureAction
defaultCryptoKeyReader: # String
encryptionKey: # String
enableBatching: # Boolean
enableChunking: # Boolean
enableLazyStartPartitionedProducers: # Boolean
enableMultiSchema: # Boolean
hashingScheme: # HashingScheme
messageRoutingMode: # MessageRoutingMode
properties: # Map<String, String>
roundRobinRouterBatchingPartitionSwitchFrequency: # Int
sendTimeoutSeconds: # Double
The blockIfQueueFull
setting for producers defaults to true in Infinitic, which differs from Pulsar's default.
Consult the Apache Pulsar documentation for detailed explanations of each setting.
Consumer Settings
Similarly, you can configure default settings for all consumers in the pulsar.consumer
section. All settings are optional, with Pulsar defaults used if not provided. We can provide default settings for all consumers. All are optional. Pulsar default will be used if not provided.
loadConf: # Map<String, String>
subscriptionProperties: # Map<String, String>
ackTimeoutSeconds: # Double
isAckReceiptEnabled: # Boolean
ackTimeoutTickTimeSeconds: # Double
negativeAckRedeliveryDelaySeconds: # Double
defaultCryptoKeyReader: # String
cryptoFailureAction: # ConsumerCryptoFailureAction
receiverQueueSize: # Int
acknowledgmentGroupTimeSeconds: # Double
replicateSubscriptionState: # Boolean
maxTotalReceiverQueueSizeAcrossPartitions: # Int
priorityLevel: # Int
properties: # Map<String, String>
autoUpdatePartitions: # Boolean
autoUpdatePartitionsIntervalSeconds: # Double
enableBatchIndexAcknowledgment: # Boolean
maxPendingChunkedMessage: # Int
autoAckOldestChunkedMessageOnQueueFull: # Boolean
expireTimeOfIncompleteChunkedMessageSeconds: # Double
startPaused: # Boolean
maxRedeliverCount: # Int (Infinitic default: 3)
The maxRedeliverCount
for consumers is set to 3 by default in Infinitic.
Consult the Apache Pulsar documentation for detailed explanations of each setting.